If I Am Worse At Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 Than Fortnite I Will Donate My Entire Year's Salary To A Random Viewer

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This is it. A new chapter of our lives is about to begin, and possibly end all at once. Of course I’m still going to battle in Fortnite. I cannot go that quietly into the shit of night. However, Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 is what’s new in these streets right now, and I must avenge myself. It’s on record I am 2-1300 in the art of solo Victory Royales in Fortnite. If I become that bad in COD solo’s, I will donate a year’s salary to a random viewer. Put that on the record. And it starts tonight.

Here is what amounted from last week’s 11.5 hour session of futility. May God have mercy on us all. Or just me. I beg of you, please show mercy on me.

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